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3 Words To Keep Your Goals In 2024: A Meditative Guide

Of course it starts with “Gratitude.”

We all have our resolutions, our serious goals and ambitions for the new year, but I wanted to share just three simple, but highly effective- actionable words which can help you do and feel your best this year.

We all have a unique set of circumstances, and if we can narrow down what matters most, aligning our goals to these words, 2024 could be the year we, as a collective, change the world.

As it’s been famously written and spoken in the past, In order to heal the world, we must begin with healing ourselves. This sounds like a simple feat, and to some it may be, but often in order to heal one thing we must remove another. In recent years I have chosen to remove negative habits through affirmative self-talk and practices- in order to heal within. This change has been a slow growth, but typically leaves me focused on one feeling in particular. (see below)

Which brings me to the first word of 2024:

Gratitude. grat-i-tood, -tyood-/ (The state of being grateful. appreciative, thankful)

As you read this article, feel free to take moments to pause and reflect on what they mean to you and how they make you feel. The ability to read in itself is something one could be endlessly grateful for.

The many means of which we take in information can be explained as unique languages. The mediums that share the knowledge we access can have their own limitations and opportunities, forming the world views of the people who communicate within those means. In short, our language forms our thoughts, our thoughts form our culture.

It is expressed well on this platform, keeping up to its namesake .

To know many languages is to have access to new world views. But how can one have time to learn a new language? It can be very difficult and time consuming to study an entire verbal language. So we do it in small doses. We learn and create new language through the mediums we consume, often shaping and then re-shaping our views as we go along.

To most, the easiest way to learn a new language is by reading, or even writing a bookThis leads into the next word to focus on in 2024:

Literature. /lĭt′ər-ə-choo͝r″, -chər/noun
1. The body of written works of a language, period, or culture. 2. Imaginative or creative writing, especially of recognized artistic value.

Do you have a favorite book? Think of it now if you can. Ask yourself the following: how did you come to reading that book? What was going on in society and within your culture at the time you first read that book? What did it teach you? What made it stick? How are things different or similar today?

Now try to picture yourself experiencing reading that book with fresh eyes. No memories of reading it before, no previous ties to your favorite book. Would you be tempted to read it? And if so, would you take the time to read it? At this point in life would a book like this even sound interesting? It’s not typical to willfully forget your favorite book or story, as it has likely contributed to shaping identity. The language of your favorite book is likely an influence to the way you view the world and your role in it.

Try to ask yourself what your life could be like if you found a new favorite book. How could learning a new “language” benefit your mind and your place in your world? What genre may you be drawn to most at this point in your life? Is it the same as your favorite book? Is it different? It may be beneficial to take note of this as you implore new reading material. Preparing your mind for the perks of the third word on the list: renewal.

Renewal. / rĭ-noo͞′əl, -nyoo͞′-/ 1. The act of forming anew, or the state of having been renewed. (New ways to do old things; )

A new year has brought opportunities to reset and renew our patterns and daily habits. Renewal is a forever thing, but much like learning a new language, it can be practiced again and again in small doses. Self-improvement author James Clear, wrote the best-seller Atomic Habits describes this process as “improving by 1% each day.” Practicing or simply observing the act of forming new ways to do old things is fascinating, new ideas. A simple way to reset the cycle to gratitude is through renewing the way we handle our day to day tasks. This will be different for everyone, as everyone grows and changes at different rates. Time passes us, but our experiences do not have to be liner.

Here are three ways to put these words to use this year:

Gratitude - Remind the people who are important to you why they are important. Start with your self.

Literature - Find a book and dedicate chunks of free time to reading it. Dedicate at least an hour a day if you can. This will provide to you ample opportunites to find a new favorite book.

Renewal- Challenge yourself to be 5 minutes earlier for your tasks than you normally are. Just 5 minutes. Notice how this improves your energy and self esteem. Celebrate micro- wins.

Most importantly, be kind to one another. Happy New Year.


Gilded Flavors

1. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
2. Oxford Dictionary, (undated)
3. Clear, James. Atomic Habits, 2018.

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